Welcome to the emergency room / urgent care services page for the MassHealth Dental Program!

The Emergency Room /Urgent Care /Dental Providers Diversion program is for providers only.

The Emergency Room / Urgent Care / Dental Providers Diversion program page includes the following resources:

  • Training & Support Information- Our goal is to reach each all ER’s across the Commonwealth to provide support and training around the identification of oral health related conditions, the patient follow-up reporting tool, MassHealth member benefits and the codes to utilize for billing oral health related issues. If your team is interested in training and support please reach out to MassHealth Customer Service at 800-207-5019.
  • Member Reporting Tool- provide access to a tool that allows electronic submission of all MassHealth member information related to those who have been seen in the ER to allow MassHealth to conduct outreach. This outreach will consist of assistance in finding a dentist, understanding their benefits, discussion regarding the importance of oral health and making an appointment. The link to the tool on this page will provide you with the ability to enter the information for MassHealth Medicaid members only. If the member is not active, you will receive a message while entering their information into the tool.  The member should call MassHealth customer service at 800-841-2900 if they have questions about their eligibility or coverage.
  • Oral health related materials can be found under documents. These can be shared with the MassHealth member being seen to help them understand the importance of oral health and what resources are available to them.
  • Find a Provider tool-This tool allows your team to search and provide a list of participating MassHealth dentists in the vicinity of the emergency room or the member’s home to assist them in seeking care.
If you have any questions please reach out to MassHealth Customer Service at 800-207-5019.

If MassHealth members have questions and would like to contact us directly please refer them to Customer Service.


MassHealth Dental Program Customer Service
TTY: 800-466-7566
(For people with partial or total hearing loss)
8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. EST